There's not much worse than walking up to a house on Trick-or-Treat night and seeing those dreaded ‘Please Take One’ signs…especially when it's a Kit Kat bar…’, says the company.
Never fear! Hershey has devised a way to say ‘Take All You Want’ by sharing this enchanted first-ever trick-or-treat bowl that never ends.
Trick or treaters can grab a handful of Kit Kat treats and watch as more appear right before their very eyes! You've heard of bubbling cauldrons, well now you have a trick-or-treat bowl that has a mesmerizing red light that will flash when the bowl magically refills for the next group of trick-or-treaters, the company explained.
“We prefer more treats than tricks here on the Kit Kat team, so we decided it's time this Halloween season to show what's up our sleeve," said Alex Herzog, associate brand manager of Kit Kat. "No one wants to see that disappointed face at the trick-or-treat bowl, so Kt Kat conjured up a special bowl to have never-ending KIT KAT ...literally, nothing could be better."
Hershey unveiled its unique Trick-or-Treat bowl in Salem, one of the most famous and popular Halloween towns in America. “It was a big surprise for trick-or-treaters and Kit Kat bar lovers alike. Now we need to know where it should poof up next,” said a spokesperson.