
Almond Board of California

Almond Board of California

Tap into a Demand That’s Going Nuts

A lot goes in a little almond. From zero cholesterol to 13 essential nutrients, it’s the nut that, ounce for ounce, adds more value to just about anything, including great-tasting crunch. And consumers know it. That’s why every year demand for products with almonds goes up. In fact, for the third year in a row, almonds are the leading nut introduced globally.* So go ahead and serve up some healthy appeal with your next product or recipe, just make sure almonds are in.

To learn more about almonds’ versatility, exploding consumer demand, nutrition profile, and more, visit

One serving of almonds is 30 grammes.

*Mintel Global New Products Database and Sterling-Rice Group, Global New Product Introductions Report, 2010.

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Almonds + Chocolate: A Wellness Favorite

Content provided by Almond Board of California | 14-Apr-2023 | White Paper

See the key insights from consumer research that shows why almonds are an ideal ingredient in chocolate products.