Archives for July 30, 2008

← 2008

More cost savings on the cards at Cadbury

By staff reporter

Cadbury has signalled that it will take “whatever measures are necessary” to deliver on its 2008 performance promises – despite H1 results that show good profit growth.

EFSA recommends max limits for d-camphor flavouring

By By staff reporter

EFSA has published its panel’s opinion on camphor as a flavouring, deeming it unlikely to cause acute effects in foods with less than 2mg per kg of body weight per large portion, but recommending that maximum limits be set.

CAOBISCO articulates today's challenges

By Lindsey Partos

Filippo Cerulli, the new president of CAOBISCO talks to about challenges facing the €45.4 billion chocolate, biscuit and confectionery industry in the 21st century, and how this leading European trade association intends to stay...