Archives for October 14, 2013

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Special Edition: Hygienic Design & Quality Testing

Retailers pressure confectioners to implement digital traceability standards

By Oliver Nieburg

Retailers are piling the pressure on confectioners to swap paper records for quicker mobile scanning technology to trace the source of raw ingredients, protecting them in the event of a recall, according to computing firm Intermec.

Special Edition: Hygienic Design & Quality Testing

Sound check! Confectioners ready mics for acoustic testing

By Oliver Nieburg

Auditory testing to measure the crunch noise a product will make when it is chewed in the mouth is quickly becoming widespread in the confectionery industry.

Special Edition - Hygienic Design & Quality Testing

Access all areas: Knowing when to use water in confectionery production

By Oliver Nieburg

Choosing equipment that allows you to access critical areas for inspection is essential to limiting water use during production, but some processes are better suited to a wet wash, says equipment supplier Sollich.

Infographic: European chocolate makers move East

By Oliver Nieburg

Chocolate production is still growing in developed markets, but volumes are growing at a faster pace in Eastern European countries like Poland, data from Leatherhead Food Research shows.