
What exactly is the role that retailers should play in ensuring the sustainability of cocoa? Was one of the questions asked at the WCF meeting in Berlin. Pic: GettyImages

WCF Partnership Meeting 2019

Can retailers play a role in ending cocoa-related deforestation?

By Anthony Myers

The newly-formed Retailer Cocoa Collaboration strongly supports CFI and the Frameworks for Action as a landmark multi-stakeholder initiative for protecting and restoring forests in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Colombia and other areas. 'Retailers as drivers...

'We're trying to get that data that doesn't exist into the cloud through whatever means necessary,' said Sourcemap founder Leonardo Bonanni. Pic; GettyImages

WCF Partnership Meeting 2019

Is blockchain the answer for sustainability in the cocoa sector?

By Anthony Myers

In light of the The Washington Post article this week that found ‘alarming’ problems with Utz’s auditing processes, a timely session at the WCF Partnership Meeting on blockchain looks at how it can help with supply chain certification – but is the industry...

Ethical Dutch brand Tony’s Chocolonely backs cocoa growers in their demands for a living income to farmers. Pic: ConfectioneryNews


Tony’s Chocolonely backs cocoa growers in row with chocolate makers

By Anthony Myers

Following our article on 14 October stating that Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire have announced that they are frustrated with the slow uptake from makers to pay a living income to its farmers, ethical Dutch chocolate brand Tony’s Chocolonely said it agrees with...

MIA: On a roll with more awards. Pic: MIA


More gongs for MIA chocolate brand

By Anthony Myers

Ethical chocolatier MIA (Made-in-Africa ) has received three 2019 Great Taste Awards from the Guild of Fine Food in London.

Mars Wrigley has spotlighted its Cocoa & Women for Change program as part of the equality initiative. Pic: GettyImages


Mars Wrigley signs onto $1bn G7 plan to fight inequality

By Kristine Sherred

As one of 34 global companies in the coalition, the candy and pet food giant will advance its existing sustainability platform through a focus on healthy ecosystems and human rights.

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