
Deforestation: the economics and politics of cocoa

Chocoa Conference 2019

Deforestation: the economics and politics of cocoa

By Anthony Myers

Cédric van Cutsem, associate director of Mondelēz’s Cocoa Life, operations, and its main spokesperson on deforestation, talks exclusively to CN from the Chocoa Conference in Amsterdam on how the program is making a difference since it was introduced almost...

Michel Arrion, executive director at ICCO, opens the debate at Chocoa 2019 in Amsterdam

Chocoa Conference 2019

Chocoa 2019: The economics and politics of cocoa

By Anthony Myers

The seventh Chocoa Conference in Amsterdam got straight down to business on the opening day, with discussions ranging from deforestation, child labor and famer incomes.

London Chocolate comes to Chocoa on a mission

Chocoa Conference 2019

London Chocolate comes to Chocoa on a mission

By Anthony Myers

Bean-to-bar brand says ‘chocoisseurs’ the big trend of 2019, and that Europe still has some catching up to do with United States.

Barry Callebaut opened its doors to its Chocolate Academy in Weize during a special Innovation Day for journalists.


Inside Barry Callebaut: What’s next after Ruby?

By Anthony Myers

ConfectioneryNews was invited to Barry Callebaut’s special Innovation Day at its Chocolate Academy in Weize, Belgium, where we spoke to Bas Smit, the company’s global VP marketing and the man responsible for Ruby chocolate’s launch.

Pic: Olam Cocoa


Olam Cocoa and a story of supply and demand

By Anthony Myers

Interview with Simon Brayn-Smith, VP global head of sustainability at Olam Cocoa, on how the organization is adapting its supply chain to be100% traceable and sustainable by 2020.

CREATIVE CONVERSATIONS: Brian Watt, owner/MD, Sloane's Hot Chocolate


CREATIVE CONVERSATIONS: Brian Watt, owner/MD, Sloane's Hot Chocolate

By Anthony Myers

After 30 years in the corporate world, Brian Watt gave it all up and followed his love for chocolate with startup Sir Hans Sloane Chocolates. The company has five employees and produces its ‘posh hot chocolate' from a studio in the south of England...

Bahia notebook: Why is rubber so important to the growing of cocoa in Brazil? - Video

WCF Conference, Sao Paulo

Bahia notebook: Why is rubber so important to the growing of cocoa in Brazil?

By Anthony Myers

As part of a field trip for delegates at the World Cocoa Foundation Partnership Meeting in Sao Paulo in October, the WCF organized a visit to CEPLAC so industry experts could see for themselves the work being carried out to not only help and promote Brazil's...

Mike Forbes. Pic: Alter Eco

Executives on the move

Alter Eco names former General Mills exec as new CEO

By Douglas Yu

Chocolate maker Alter Eco has named Mike Forbes as its new CEO, as co-founders Edouard Rollet and Mathieu Senard are shifting their focus to establishing the Alter Eco Foundation, a nonprofit for social and environmental change set to launch in 2019.

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