
Image: Istock

EFSA backs safety of new stevia form

By Will Chu

Rebaudioside M is safe and can be added to the list of EU-approved steviol glycosides (E960), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded. The agency said this was the case provided 95% of its components were converted to steviol.

Evidence not yet conclusive, but University of Perugia scientists speculate chocolate may provide health boost for pregnant women

Systematic Review

Chocolate may benefit pregnant women, but further research needed

By Oliver Nieburg

Moderate chocolate consumption may help expectant mothers and their fetuses by reducing stress and providing antioxidants that guard against reproductive diseases and pregnancy complications, say Italian researchers.

Image: iStockPhoto

Cocoa flavanols may boost skin from within: 24-week RCT

By Stephen Daniells

High-flavanol cocoa supplementation may have positive impacts on facial wrinkles and skin elasticity in photo-aged Korean women, says a new study from scientists from Seoul National University.

Can you lose weight while drinking diet soda? One study says you can

Diet soda: A key to weight loss?

By Hal Conick

Low energy sweeteners commonly used in diet sodas may help with weight loss, says a University of Bristol study, adding that confusion among consumers between sweeteners and sugar needs to be addressed.

Is obesity caused by junk food? One study says

Junk food not the biggest culprit for obesity: Study

By Hal Conick

While many people have snacks, sugar and sodas pinned as the bad guys in the war against obesity, one recent study found little to no correlation between consumption of junk food and obesity.

Jamie Oliver gave evidence at an inquiry into childhood obesity this week

Sugar tax could aid obesity fight: Health agency

By Alice Foster

A sugar tax could cut sugary drink purchases and help fight obesity, according to Public Health England (PHE), amid controversy over the government shelving the health agency’s report into the issue.

An example of flexible packaging, which is growing in popularity, from Jelly Belly.

Pack Expo 2015

Consumer trends changing the world of packaging

By Hal Conick

Consumer trends are actively changing how food items are packaged, according to a report released at this year’s Pack Expo Las Vegas and Pharma Expo 2015.

90% missed: Half a century to reach forgotten cocoa farming majority unless industry sources directly and talks price, says ICCFO

‘You can’t say you’re sustainable when you’re not reaching the majority,’ says cocoa farmer body

Cocoa sustainability to take 50 more years without step change: ICCFO

By Oliver Nieburg

The International Cocoa Farmers Organization has called on the chocolate industry to directly source from cocoa farmers and support efforts to reach 90% of farmers it says have been neglected in cocoa sustainability plans.

Once the transaction is completed, Olam will have 700,000 metric tons of cocoa pressing capabilities.

Olam’s ‘complex’ ADM cocoa deal hits delay

By Hal Conick

Singapore-based Olam’s $1.3bn acquisition of Archer Daniels Midland’s global cocoa business has hit a bump in the road, according to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

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