
Cocoa and heart health: Not a reason to over-indulge

Nutrigenomics shows blood pressure benefits of cocoa

By Stephen Daniells

The potential of polyphenol compounds in cocoa to reduce blood pressure is related to genotype, suggests a new nutrigenomic study that deepens our understanding of the cardiovascular benefits of cocoa.

Natural colours: insatiable demand but no silver bullet

The trouble with nature...

By Rod Addy

As the food industry shifts from synthetically-derived colours, past ‘natural’ ingredients to colouring foodstuffs, we highlight the challenges this is currently creating.

Hydrocolloid supply in worst state for 30 years, Cargill

Hydrocolloid supply in worst state for 30 years, Cargill

By Jess Halliday

Supplying hydrocolloids requires more foresight and investment than ever before, as producers are caught in the squeeze between tight supply and growing demand, and changing functionalities, says Cargill director.

Opening up the applications for stevia sweeteners

Dispatches from HiE

Opening up the applications for stevia sweeteners

By Jess Halliday in Madrid

It started with beverages, but with intense work being carried out by the food industry on other applications for stevia sweeteners novel products are coming to market in the US, and in other global markets with regulatory approval - from yoghurts, to...

Why cavemen could hold the key to healthy eating

Why cavemen could hold the key to healthy eating


There’s something incongruous about the hi-tech modern food industry sniffing around the Palaeolithic era for the next big consumer trend. But hold the side order of cynicism. There might just be some logic to good old-fashioned instinctive eating.

Fat digestion images point to improved formulation

Fat digestion images point to improved formulation

By Stephen Daniells

Netherlands-based scientists have reported data for the real-time digestion of fats containing ingredients like vitamin D3, insights that could advance the formulation of foods.

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