
Spirulina faces legal questions

Spirulina faces legal questions

By Elaine Watson

Spirulina, the blue colour from algae used in Nestlé’s Smarties, is one of 10 substances used to colour food that faces an uncertain future as its legal status is scrutinised.

Trigeminal sensations: An emerging area for innovation

Trigeminal sensations: An emerging area for innovation

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Hot, cold, spicy, tingling and electric sensations could be used to enhance consumers’ enjoyment of foods and drinks, according to Michael Nestrud, a sensory science PhD candidate at Cornell.

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

Timber! The latest axe blow from EFSA has fallen, and this time it has taken one of the biggest trees in the nutrition forest: Antioxidants. But let’s not mourn the loss of the tree; let’s look forward to the new opportunities a clear view of the sky...

Managing the great Southampton switch-out

Dispatches from FIE

Managing the great Southampton switch-out

By Jess Halliday

The industry is under time pressure to remove artificial Southampton food colours from products before European warning labels are required next year. Helene Moeller, group product manager for ingredients at Wild, explains the challenges.

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