
Some news is good news

Weekly comment

Some news is good news

I am beginning to feel like a freak among journalists. Good or bad,
my reporting is the product of hours of questions, fact-hunting and
often-times editorial debate. Yet, despite this rigour, every day
we receive emails from people...

Glycaemic index 'here to stay'

Glycaemic index 'here to stay'

By Jess Halliday

The glycaemic index has not risen to the same astronomic trend
proportions of its low-carb predecessor, but this does not mean
there is a lack of interest. Rather, a slow build up could be a
sign that it is here for the long-haul.

The sum of chocolate

Christmas feature

The sum of chocolate

Chocoholics rejoice: 2005 was the year it became clear chocolate
really is good for you. But before Christmas ushers in a race to
cram the candy, reflect a moment on where the benefits truly lie,
and where they don't.

The chemistry of delicious

Christmas feature

The chemistry of delicious

If only they taught chemistry in schools as it happens at Christmas tables across Europe. For here lies the secret of delicious. Come next weekend, the centrepiece from north to south will be a roast. A British turkey, a German goose, a French roast beef:...

Wassail away your Christmas

Christmas feature

Wassail away your Christmas

Forget the family 'bored' games this Christmas. It's time to get
down to the local orchard with a slice of toast, a loaded gun and a
big bowl of steaming Wassail for some real festive tradition.

The reach of lobbying

Weekly Comment

The reach of lobbying

The oft-said adage that there are two things people don't want to
see being made - sausage and legislation - falls apart at the doors
of the EU's parliament.

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