
Food safety for all

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Food safety for all

After all the increased safety procedures put in place over the
past decade, one might have been lulled into thinking that
poisonings and deaths from food contamination would be rarer than
before. While it is true that the new regulatory...

Junk Food Babes

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Junk Food Babes

If education is meant to deliver knowledge and wise choices, why
are we doing so little to educate our children about food?

McDonald's: facing fat

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McDonald's: facing fat

There is nothing so redolent of a corporate mid-life crisis as the
strategic equivalent of a new car, new girl and new image, set
firmly on the shoulders of the same old idea. McDonald's, it seems,
is firmly in the throes of...

The science behind food

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The science behind food

The words clinical trial or scientifically proven on a label carry huge cachet. But behind the claims of scientific evidence, consumers expect a base level of rigour in ensuring thatfood or personal care products actually deliver the benefits they claim.

Water wastage syndrome

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Water wastage syndrome

Praise where praise is due. And it is certainly due for one
small-time drinks firm in southern Britain, which is spear-heading
answers to global water shortages that threaten to wreak havoc on
food producers everywhere.