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Cocoa flavanols may protect against diabetes: Study

By Tim Cutcliffe

Specific compounds within cocoa promote the release of insulin and may help protect against the onset of type-2 diabetes (T2D), reports a new study in Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

Research: Aussie sugar tax 'would not punish the poor’

Research: Aussie sugar tax 'would not punish the poor’

By RJ Whitehead

A major criticism of the public health lobby’s proposed sugar sweetened beverage tax—that it would unfairly punish the poor and disadvantaged—may have been debunked by research from Deakin University’s Global Obesity Centre. 


Ivory Coast and Ghana agree to create Sustainable Cocoa Initiative

By Jenny Eagle

The leaders of the Ivory Coast and Ghana have agreed to set up a joint industry body called The Ghana-Cote d'Ivoire Sustainable Cocoa Initiative to get better pay for farmers, combat cross-border smuggling and encourage further collaboration between...

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