Big brands

Grupo Turin could give Mars a foothold in the international premium chocolate space, but it may need to act faster than usual, says Euromonitor's Jack Skelly

Industry Voices - Euromonitor analyst Jack Skelly

The race to the top: Is chocolate's premiumization wearing thin?

By Jack Skelly, Euromonitor analyst

Mars’ Grupo Turin buy gives it a premium chocolate brand to expand internationally, but consumers are increasingly building loyalty to its competitors as the segment grows saturated, writes Euromontior analyst Jack Skelly.

KRAVE Jerky general manager: We could be a $500m brand

KRAVE Jerky general manager: We could be a $500m brand

By Elaine Watson

KRAVE – the upmarket jerky brand that helped to spearhead a renaissance at the premium end of the meat snacking category – could be a $500m brand “very quickly”, claims new chief executive Shane Chambers, who took the helm following the departure of founder...

US Easter candy sales to climb 1%, says NCA Photo: iStock - AND-ONE

NCA predicts US Easter candy sales will hit $2.4bn this year

By Douglas Yu

Easter this year is short, but it won't stop retail sales of Easter candy from growing, vice president of public affairs and communications at National Confectioners Association (NCA), Christopher Gindlesperger, tells ConfectioneryNews. 


CFSAF: 'Gen Mills was forced to make decision because of Senate’s failure to act'

General Mills and Mars to roll out GMO labeling nationwide as Vermont deadline looms: 'We can’t label our products for only one state'

By Elaine Watson

It was prompted by pragmatism, rather than an ideological shift, but General Mills and Mars have resolved to roll out GMO labeling nationwide as Congress has proved unable to hammer out a federal solution that all stakeholders can get behind before new...

Union seeks injunction to block Oreo capacity shift to Mexico. Photo: iStock - chiarabramuzzo

Oreo bakers’ union files lawsuit against Mondelēz

By Douglas Yu

Mondelēz International faces a court case brought by disgruntled employees at its plant in Chicago, half of whom will lose their jobs after the company shifted the factory’s Oreo production to Mexico.

Nestlé Research Centre

Nestlé to join AIPIA Advisory Board

By Jenny Eagle

The Active and Intelligent Packaging Industry Association (AIPIA) and its new president Dick de Koning of PACKZ, has made changes to its Advisory Board.